I've got a quick question about power safety here.
My ADM-3A has needed fiddling for a while, since what I believe is the
flyback is making a very high-pitched whine that gives me a splitting
headache and makes it hard to see straight after 5 minutes. I want to
take a poke around, make sure everything is connected firmly, make
sure none of the components are visibly bad, that kind of thing. How
long does it take an unplugged CRT to discharge? This hasn't been
plugged in for over a month, so I figure it's probably safe right now,
but if I test it and then want to check something else, how long do I
need to leave it sit? Is there a safe way to discharge a CRT when
you're working on it in the living room? I'm a little leery of just
shorting connections with a screwdriver randomly, although that's
almost exactly what I did the first time I worked with a CRT :) (it
was 5th grade, and I had just had it on, unplugged it, opened it, and
started poking around with wires. BIG SNAP)
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