At 05:22 PM 23-05-00 -0700, Vintage Computer GAWD! wrote:
I was mostly referring to the ones done in the days
before high-powered
workstations like SGI systems, where a feat such as scanning in a nekkid
lady would actually have been pushing the technological boundaries, not
just mocking them :)
Well the last time I did this on a "classic computer" using appropriate
technology was in about 1974. I had access to a PDP-9 with various analog
input devices and a modified X-Y plotter which was driven by analog outputs
and had some sort of photodetector (I didn't do the hardware). It was a
simple case of putting the photo in the X-Y plotter, running the scanning
program and then the "convert to printer character" program.
If I recall correctly (:-) the scanning program was written in house, but
the convert program was a DECUS submission....