<I've been revising my web site a bit recently. One of the things I've
<added is the entire 1978 Tandy Computers catalog which features such
<things as the IMSAI 8080, Sol-20, Vector 1, etc. I don't know about
<you, but aside from this one catalog, I had no idea that Tandy ever
<sold anything like this. At any rate, the whole thing has been
They didn't! I was working from them from 75 through 79 and help start
the computer repair centers in ALlentown PA and then in Bethpage NY
and while they did sell a few non tandy machines IMSAI, SOL, Vector
were never seen in any of those places save for when I'd bring my altair
or NS* to test out something.
Now it's possible that one of the independently owned dealer stores held
and advertized other machines. Even the Radio Shack computer centers
didn't start opening until the beginning of 78. The trs-80 was mid '77
and Tandy did nothing in computers before that.