Went to the junkyard with a mate today and found (well, stepped on) an ugly HP
something. It's a HP 9000 (Yay!) 226 (?h?), which is a clumsy box with a small
CRT and a 5?" floppy as well as an integrated keyboard. This unit had been
retired from the telemonopoly (well, all the stickers date back to that time),
which ad apparently modified it into some kind of luggable workstation by
putting a biug brass handle which seems to have come off a door on one side of
the unit. Apart from the handle, it has been equipped with an RS-232 interface
and additional memory cards, adding up to roughly 1,7 MB.
The unit powers up fine, the screen looks nice, but the keyboard has been
massacred, with five or six keys missing. But now what? The system is looking
for a system. What system does it run, and is software obtainable anywhere?
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Computer programmers know how to use their hardware.