I thought about it, but as I mentioned I don't know the difference between Fortran-IV
and Fortran-77,so which options do I use?
I've had some "Fortran people" tell me the code is Fortran-IV and others
tell me it's Fortran-77...not to mention weird "vax-isms" in Fortran of the
time period.
I have a stack of vaxen sitting here (vaxstation-3000/m76) so I can get at least one
running vms 4.2with the old fortran and put the code exactly the way it was at the time
and see what happens.
or if I'm real lazy I'll setup vms 4.2 on simh and do the same thing :)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:32:17 -0400
From: mcguire at
Subject: Re: Overdue context sensitivity in OCR (Was: Best way to scan 132 column fanfold
mid-1970s text printout
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but
have you investigated
compatibility-related command line options for the F77 compiler?