Hello. Somebody knows if one HP9885 8" floppy
unit can be attached to one
9000/380 ? The unit came with one 50-pin SCSI or SASI type connector, and
37-pin connector.
The DD50 is not SCSI (or SASI). It's an HP 16 bit interface, and was
originally connected to something like a 98032 Opt 085 (GPIO interface
with the right jumpers and cable) in a 9825/9835/9845 machine. I guess it
can be used with other GPIO-like interfaces (but be warned it uses
features of the 98032, like DMA transfers and the register select
outputs, that may not be available on other GPIOs).
The DC37 is the 'raw' drive bus (similar to an SA800 interface) and is
used to hang 'slave' drives off the controller in this unit.