At 11:21 PM 6/19/99 -0700, you wrote:
On Sat, 19 Jun 1999, James Willing wrote:
Well... I've been (slowly) working up a
'Computers in the Media' section
on my web pages and there are already some movie references, so... (if
there are no objections) I'll start collecting the info and folding it onto
the web pages.
-The DEC Rainbow 100s in the police station in Beverly Hills Cop.
-The Apple //c used in that movie with the kids who discover how to
travel through space in a bubble of energy (I always forget the name).
-Apple //c in 2010
-Psion 3a used in Executive Decision to detonate the bomb (not totally
classic but I'm a big Psion fan)
-Wasn't a Memotech MTX512 used in Weird Sience?
-I think there was an IMSAI 8080 in War Games
Of course adding all of this to the web page reminded me of the Altair 8800
(painted white, poor thing) mounted in a lab panel in the TV show "The Six
Million Dollar Man". It showed up fairly regularly and I seem to recall
reading in an article somewhere that they actually used it to run the
lighting effects in the 'lab' panels...
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