From: dgriffi at> > On Sun, 7
Oct 2007, Tony Duell wrote:> > >=
I can rememebr what 4 are :-)>
>> > 1) An old RS23 breakout box. Real slid=
e-switches to open all the wires,> > and 2mm sockets for cross-patching. Th=
e main signals are monitored by> > transistor-driven filament lamps, the wh=
ole thing is mains-powered,, said> > PSU also prvides +12V and -=3D12V outp=
uts for forcing handshake signals> > ARRGG!!! You've provoked me into build=
ing a banana-jack breakout box!>=20
Of course if you make one, put all the connector combinations
on each side. Also put an extra connector on it that can be
used to snoop the data in progress between two machines.
I made up a cable for my 2mm-socket breakout box. On one end is a DB25
socket, handshake pins strapped RTS-CTS, DSR-DTR-CD and with a bit of
3-core cable wired to TxD, RxD, Ground. On the other end of that cable
are 3 2mm plugs. The DB25 goes into a terminal, the plugs go into sockets
on the breakout box. I can monitor data by pluggin the RxD line plug into
the appropraite signal on the breakout box, I can open a signal line and
inject data from the terminal using the TxD plug.