Next question ;)
I've stuck NeXTStep 3.2 on the machine, but it seems to have configured the
box to boot straight into a default user called 'me' rather than offering me a
login dialog (NeXT's equivalent to XDM).
I'm *assuming* that there aren't any post-install steps that NeXT are
expecting me to do as the 'me' user, prior to using the box as a complete
system. (I don't have docs for 3.2)
Purely for the purposes of installing other software, I'd quite like to change
the system to prompt for a login name at startup though - anyone recall how to
do this?
That way I can log in as root and have the full desktop environment available,
rather than having to drop to a shell and issuing 'su', working out the
locations / names of the file browser etc. that I need, figuring out CDROM
mounting and all that other fun stuff.
I'll get to the manuals tomorrow, but I'm almost certain they won't cover OS
setup, and even if they did would be the wrong version anyway :-)
Initial (and only, so far) irritation: the mouse is too darn slow. Even on
maximum speed setting, it's still sluggish compared to what I'm used to, and
needs far too much desk movement to get it across the screen. Funnily enough I
found exactly the same thing with the BeBox - so it's possibly a trait of
early 90's GUIs...