While its kind of amusing to see how everybody's trying to polish their
skills of argument about this n' that, and I'm trying very hard to stay
polite here, this is supposed to be a list for people who appreciate Classic
Computing. Endless discussions about how Microsoft has commandeered the
world in the last 10 years are all off topic. It may be tempting to try to
'bring down the beast'... Microsoft and possibly some individual on the
list, but that's not why I subscribed and I wonder how may others.
Aren't we here for constructive conversation on systems which by being
10+ years old are all only of hobbyist value, (excepting the mini-mainframes
mini-supers) and as such should be almost irrelevant to argue about in a
present day context. I note that some of the e-arguments drift into the 10y
zone, but then they just drift right back out again so they really don't
register as anything but OT to me anyway.
- - -
I wish we could come up with some sort of rule to limit conflicts on the
list. I thought at the outset that I might spend 4-8 hours a week on
Classic Computing. Right now I spend 7-14 hours a week on what I'll call
reading the Classic Computing List, because it leaves me almost no time
for my hobby.
- - -
I wrote this out of need yesterday morning and am submitting it now.
Jay has also been responsive to requests off list.
Thanks again, Jay.
John A.