-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas H. Quebbeman [mailto:dquebbeman@acm.org]
My first Linux box was a 40MHz 386-DX (AMD) with 4MB
of RAM and a
Mine was a 16Mhz 386SX, with 3MB of RAM. (One SIMM, and a strange
XMS ISA card from a slightly older system. :)
pair of 40MB Seagate ST-251s... downloaded a piece at
a time from
Single 40MB IDE disk.
the UNC sunsite onto floppies and installed from them
I used the
Softlanding from a local BBS... ;)
UMDOS filesystem, since the machine normally booted
into DOS 5;
"Enhanced" MINIX FS -- I actually got a copy of FIPS, and broke the
disk into two partitions. The linux part was slightly larger than
10M, with five for swap.
I used LOADLIN to load Linux (still do on my
workstation at home).
Used LILO.
My first kernel build took 27 hours. After a series of
I think I got the total build time down to about 16 hours.
I don't remember, actually, I used to start them running, and just
leave them. Never build a kernel on that machine, though.
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl