To All -
There was an ?enormous response,? that still continues, on this classic computer email
list by Dave Dunfield [
WWW.CLASSICCMP.ORG] on the ?demise of the floppy? in the past few
It was even extended to many other areas of technology.
I did some posts on some options on that email list and also including
WWW.VINTAGE-COMPUTER.COM and others responded there too.
The April issue on page #15 of our long just outstanding 30 year old local Lehigh Valley
Computer Group [
WWW.LVCG.ORG ? past newsletters are even posted there] had a very good
article by Bill Pryor, one of their excellent and perceptive members, titled ?Ephermeral
[really ?Ephemeral? ? just a typo and corrected in article ? but may need original title
spelling for searching] Media? which he originally wrote in ? 2000 ? !!!
This present reprint of this 2000 article now notes the following very similar in many
ways New York Times article 2010/03/16 ? 10 years later !
Fending Off Digital Decay, Bit by Bit,
Lot to think about here !
This all fits nicely into my decades of science, technology and society [STS] research
[see my web site
WWW.KAYPROSTS.ORG] for some more details.
Note, this web site is very simple ? just for ?info transfer? ? nothing fancy. Now that
we have faster cable internet service finally in our so rural area of SE PA, it will be
substantially improved, updated, upgraded, etc. in the near future.
Many of us were trained by the National Science Foundation [NSF] decades ago to help
society better understand, manage, etc. such very powerful, dramatic, global STS changes
we are now presently experiencing in so many areas of our lives, including our hobby of
vintage computers.
I heartily encourage you all to do your own STS research ? so much so readily available by
just searching the web ? e.g. Google searches, etc.
Form your own ?informed? opinions, decisions, actions, etc.
Then please continue to contribute to the ?dialogue? ? we are all in this together !
Stay tuned ! It is going to continue to be quite a ride with no end in site !
Thanks Chuck for the long list post - that is what got me inspired !
-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Guzis <cclist at>
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at>
Sent: Wed, Apr 28, 2010 7:31 pm
Subject: Re: An option - Re: the beginning of the end for floppies
On 28 Apr 2010 at 19:01, fjgjr1 at wrote:
I posted a fairly long list of emulators not too long ago. $275 is
n the high end--the Chinese version of these (which perhaps is the
ame as the one you describe) can be had for about $50. It's not
uch--just a uC and some "glue".
There are at least two DIY versions on the web.
But none of the off-the-shelf versions is going to help with my
rother word processor (uses GCR to put 240K on a 3.5") or a real DEC
X02 disk (uses DEC's own version of MFM) or an early Lanier word
rocessor (uses hard-sectored 8" MMFM recording) or those 5.25"
loppies sitting in my drawer that work with Drivetec 2MB and 4MB
And no one, that I'm aware of, claims to be able to handle copy-
rotection emulation.
It's sort of odd, a lot of embroidery equipment originally ran with
aper tape, then substituted external boxes with floppy drives for
he paper tape reader. Now, I guess we're substituting flash-based
loppy emulators for the floppy-based paper-tape emulators. I can
ardly wait until we start flogging flash memory emulators to plug
nto the floppy emulators that plug into the paper tape emulators...