On Mon, 14 Dec 2015, Mike wrote:
Thank you Paul for that reply I have learned more
about the history in
the short time I have been on here than I have if I would have spent 10
bagillion dollars in collage I'm just a busted up old welder now but I
wet to collage for that and it was not cheap I could not even fathom
what it would cost to have a teaching degree in computer science....
Currently, at community college or equivalent level, it requires a Masters
degree, with some variations and exceptions. Universities want a PhD.
30 years ago, it required a Masters degree, or a Bachelors degree plus
three years professional experienc, or an Associate degree plus six years
of professional experience. It was a little easier to get into the field
in those days.
Again thank you very much for your input you a humble
me greatly and I
have the highest respect for all the pioneers of the computers rocky
road some of you have went down.
Yeah, but what a ride!
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at