Here is a full adder that I did in relays a while
back. All of the relays are double throw and relay
Y has three sets of contacts. This is a DC relay
design and uses two diodes, D1 and D2, to form a
blocking OR function. This could have been done
with more contacts. Parts of the same toggle
in a double throw pair are indicated by the same
number, such as Ci1 being in two locations.
One is normally close and the other normally open.
The common wire is the common in the relay contact.
I hope you like the ascii art because it took me some time to do.
X1 Y1
R ---|/|----| |-----+
| Ci1
X1 Y1 | | |
R ---| |----|/|-----+ | |
| +----- Z ( sum )
X2 Y2 | |
R ---|/|----|/|--------+ | |
| | Ci1 |
+--)---| |----+
X2 Y3 D1 | |
R ---| |----| |--+-|>|-+ | Ci2
| +---| |----+----- Co ( Carry out )
| D2 |
R = rail voltage
--| |-- = normally open contacts
--|/|-- = normally open contacts
-)- = no connection
-+- = connection
X --|___|-- GND
Y --|___|-- GND
Ci--|___|-- GND
I would like to see anyone suggested changes? Remember,
switches are not valid unless you also show the robot
that controls it. Four pole/double throw relays can be used
but they are harder to find. I'm always looking for
ways to use more diodes and less relays.