On Wednesday 08 May 2002 06:55, you wrote:
At 12:45 AM 5/8/2002 -0500, Raymond Moyers wrote:
> I cant see how a strong economy can operate on
> indoctrinated leftist moonies however.
Uhm, Moonies are far right-wing, not left. Enough
And Hitler and his "National Socialism" was "Right Wing" too right
And Stalin was "Right Wing" i suppose, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot.
Course, this is just your brain driving off into the ditch to
avoid its clear meaning, Leftists, blindly devoted to their
bloodstained idology responsible for the butchery of
100's of millions, blindly devoted like a moonie,
where any hope to unbrainwash them would require
deprogramming, like a moonie.