There's a pretty slick controller for ISA by Lark Associates which is
capable of lying to the PC in a way which actually convinces it you have two
physical drives. This makes using such large beasts much easier. I've not
been able to get good mileage out of my Miniscribe 9760 or my Maxtor 8760
since it ( the controller ) gave up the ghost. My WD controllers won't help
with making it old-bios-compatible.
-----Original Message-----
From: jpero(a) <jpero(a)>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: Micropolis 1518 Jumper Settings
Date sent: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 20:46:00 -0500
To: jpero(a)
From: Jeff Kaneko <jeff.pat(a)>
Subject: Micropolis 1518 Jumper Settings
Hi Jeff and to cc follows:
> Attached is all of the information that I have; I haven't been able to
this because
I'm stuck without a capable ESDI controller.
Thanks! But same old hat again, it's same thing you see on the
blue planet's website.
There are few ESDI controllers that can do 24MHZ and *MUST*
able to do up to 4096 cylinders. Nice thing about all ESDI
controllers for Peecees, LBA built right in for greater than 528MB!
> Looks like you should set for 512 bytes/sector, 83 spt, *hard* sectored.
wish I knew
that Ultra 12f-24's were so damned rare . . .
Really? What about it and why it's bit rare?
And I really beg to anyone on this list to pool their experiences to
"pull" up the ESDI performance because I'm getting subpar
performance for a "high" end hd like 1538 with 71 sectors (1518 is
83 sectors) both hds should have screamed instead of plodded
along. About 600KPS out of that 1538, yuk. I got over 800kps on
that same controller with a Miniscribe 3180E on that paltry 36
Is there's a controller card that does much better than this Ultrastor
12F24?! Oh, I've one computer based on EISA.
Oh, anyone knows of same HDAs that uses SCSI interface board
in place of ESDI, I want to know what model it shares same HDA
for each? 1518 and 1538.