"Jay West" wrote:
Cameron wrote....
Not your typical POP. I know who Level 3 is, and I do have an AOL login.
interesting, however -- I was just expecting 8-bit "garbage" and not an
As I recall from foggy (possibly inaccurate) memory.... PPP supports "plain
text" login before PPP is initiated, and also supports logging in after PPP
I'm coming in midstream here, so sorry if I'm on the wrong thread. Most
terminal servers will recognize a PPP frame when presented at the login
prompt. And most pops contains terminal servers. In general you can
drive through the login prompt or use one of PPP's authentication
In general ISP's don't configure them to allow access to any internal
shell. They usually just do authentication using RADIUS and then start
up a PPP session.
back in the day I did some work for ahem, a large company which sold big
terminal servers to a large company which subcontracted pops to another
large company. At that time AOL didn't use PPP. We ended up tunneling
their protocol inside a tcp session back to their servers. We certainly
supported PPP (and multicast) but the end customer (AOL) had 'special
needs' and a huge customer base. The box I worked on had 2000 modems in
Most of isp style terminal servers will handle various flavors of audio
modems as well as v.56 and ISDN. And even voip in some cases (or maybe
lots these days). In the back it's all IP traffic.
Ascend was one big player. Cisco came in late. I worked for a company
which was bought by Nortel which came in the middle.