On Thu, 25 Sep 2008, Tony Duell wrote:
There are basically 7 adjustments -- gain and
cutoff for the 3 video
amplifiers and the 1st anode voltage ('screen grid' across the Pond, in
the UK we call everything after the cathode and control grid an 'anode',
in the States, you have the cathode, several grids and one (final)
Well, apparently only in Great Britain since in Germany, we call that
'screen grid', too. Only the final anode is called anode.
Waht, even in CRTs?
In the UK, the electrodes of a pentode -- a signal ampiifying valve are :
cathode, control grid, screen grid, supressor grid, anode.
But for a CRT they're cathode, (control) grid, first anod, second (or
focus) anode, somethimes third anode and final anode.
All other electrodes in a normal tube besides the
cathode are called
'control grid' (or just grid), 'screen grid', 'supressor grid'
and so on.
Are you seriously saying that in Germany, the focus electrode in a CRT is
called a 'supressor grid'?