At 05:38 PM 12/6/2011, you wrote:
Out of curiosity, what is there in the way of
modern software that can read Word Perfect 5.1
(probably some 5.2 as well) for DOS
documents? The good news is that I retrieved
all these files at some point in the past from
the 3.5" floppy they were on. :-)
WordPerfect is still out there; believe it or not
my company still uses it as its primary word
processing program. Not everyone has drunk the
microsoft kool-aid. We're moving towards
OpenOffice; all the IT types use that but still
have to support WP. Recent versions of
WordPerfect can export ("SaveAs") a variety of
formats, including RTF which should be readable
by any given word processing program.
There are several version that cost under a hunnert bucks:
One version claims to support Microsoft Office 2007 formats, for US$99.99
As to 3.5" floppy disks, my year-old 6-core AMD
monster machine has a drive that reads those ;-)
479 . [Philosophy] In a civilized society, it is
the duty of all citizens to obey just laws. But
at the same time, it is the duty of all citizens
to disobey unjust laws. --Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, 1963
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