On 5 Jul 2012, at 09:50, John Many Jars <john at yoyodyne-propulsion.net> wrote:
They could always try another video-game system.
Well, based on what
my wife uses her Galaxy Note for, they already have. (;
There have been vague rumours about a home entertainment system too
but Apple have never gelled well with games.
I love the way folks are kind of accusing Microsoft of
copying the
Ipad when Microsoft did tablets first (and they didn't sell). I guess
Gates/Balmer just aren't cool the way Steve was. (;
I have a XP tablet - it's nice but it suffers most of the same issues
the Newton did, ironically. Picky pen interface, too heavy (although
admitedly mine is a Motion tablet so it's robustly built), poor
battery life, gets way too hot. Oh and it's dog slow, but that might
just be a lack of RAM.
Again, good effort but it took a mindset shift to make the idea
work... pity the result is a closed platform, I'd have bought one in a
heartbeat otherwise.
Mark Benson