On 24/05/10 21:04, Tony Duell wrote:
A related point is that (for me anyeay) seeing
inside the machine is
intersting. Now everyone here knos not to stick their fingers inside a
powered-up computer unless they know exactly what they are doing. But the
public don't. What if Joe Bloggs sticks his finger on a live part?
This is what Perspex covers are for. Show off the innards, but keep the
fools away from the live parts.
Designing a perspex cover that would fit, say, an HP9100 or its plotter,
that would allow me to do all the tests and demonstrations I want and
still keeps j-random-public away from the mains would take a lot of work...
Or put cardboard covers over the live parts (complete
VOLTAGE" sticker) and leave the rest open.
And then of course there are the ever-present "Please do not touch" signs...
Whcih IMHO are useless. The clueful know not to stick their fingers in an
unknown machine, the clueless probably can'r read, or if they can't think
the sign doesn't apoply to them.