At the risk of being tedious: You didn't get "sniped" ... someone
just bid more than you thought it was worth! With the proxy bid system..
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to get sniped unless they will pay more than your
allowable bid price .. ie: They just wanted it more than you did.
> I'm very annoyed indeed by spome idiot posting an ever-growing
> message consisting of one "Now it's up at a hundra bucks" line and
line sof
quoted material (below the addition, mind you!). Several
times a day.
Instead of just complaining, offer a reasonable alternative!!!!! I
have no problems with it since it keeps everyone informed about
where the current bid is.
That's fer sure! At least here, we're bidding amongst friends;
auctions are kinda silly for (relatively) common or inexpensive
items, but I think it's a good way for truly unique items to be
sold: The seller gets a good price and because we as a community
have a better feel for its true value (than your average weenie),
the high bid *shouldn't* go out of sight.
Besides, it's a *real* auction; not the sniper-ridden travesties
that regularly occour on E-PAy. I'm still smarting from the first
time I got sniped (and that was over two years ago).
Just my $0.02
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