I'd like to see you think also about making a pdp8 to ide or pdp8 to
other bus too, while you are looking at it. not to design it, but to
see if you can adapt the back side of your ide design to suite both,
since i would guess you would feed some sort of programmable
asic with the unibus / pdp8 bus stuff, and then drive the ide bus and
maybe a buffer on the other side. if you partition the parts of the
design right, your ide bus could run many older mini's, but I would
take one or more for both unibus (for pdp 11/15) and for my 8's (L and E)
Pete Turnbull wrote:
On Jan 19, 16:24, Brad Parker wrote:
der Mouse wrote:
>Once, years ago, I was involved in building a designed-on-the-spot
> >board.