Brent Hilpert wrote:
B. Degnan wrote:
>Are the programs from the SWTPc 6800 interchangeable with the Altair
>680? Is there a good web reference that compares these two?
I always kind of wondered why MITS bothered to produce the 680. Given the
timing of it after the SWTP 6800 and their own Altair, it seemed more like a
backwards step. Just trying to take market share away from SWTP perhaps?
ISTR the mits 680 was advertised before the SWTPC was. The design must
have been
underway at the same time as the SWTPC. I don't think it was built to
under cut
SWTPC. In that time frame no one knew what processor would come out on top.
Hedging your bet was pretty common.
I've often wondered why the 680 ran at such a slow speed. I find it hard
to believe
500khz was the design target when 2mhz parts were available.
The speed, the lack of option boards and software tells me MITS was never
serious about the 680.
joe lang