::Good idea - I didn't think about Polaroid.
::Has anybody ever tried to scan a colcour Polaroid
::picture ? I suspect it might be problematic due
::the glosy film on top of the picture. (Sorry, I
::don't have a Polaroid camera).
Yes, I have. See
The Amiga, PC-4 and C128 pictures are all Polaroids.
They're out of focus
because my Polaroid OneStop is a fixed-focus unit.
Aha - hard to tell from a reduced resolution, but at
least at the level of chap digitals. Ae there any
polaroids out there with interchangeable lenses ?
If not, one of the mayor advantages from using
35mm cameras is cone.
P.S.: You page reminds me of one thing I want to tell
you since more than 2 Month: I HAVE A TOMY TUTOR!
(Great thanks to Sallam)
Der Kopf ist auch nur ein Auswuchs wie der kleine Zeh.