On Thu, November 24, 2005 11:56 am, Jules Richardson
Oh, and even stranger than Cumana (the disk drive
people) making a BBC
coprocessor that ran OS-9, is that Cumana also made a version for the
Sinclair QL (which I don't fully understand as the QL's already a 68008,
right? Maybe that version was just the extra RAM, floppy and SASI
It is, yes, or at least I *think* there's a SASI connector on there. I can
check when I get home, assuming my interface is down here with me and not
250 miles away :) I guess that if they made the interface for the Beeb
first it was probably very trivial to make one for the QL since they have
the same CPU?
I was wondering which was first. OTOH, the QL already has the right CPU so it
might make a more sensible development platform / proof of concept rather than
going to make a full BBC copro before you can do anything. Once you've bodged
some extra RAM, FDC etc. onto a QL you may as well just market the QL board too.
Plus of course doing it that way around would explain Cumana branching out
into the QL world; far as I know they never really strayed beyond BBC-related
stuff (drives, touch pad etc.) otherwise, so it seems a little strange them
selling QL hardware.