See comments below ....
Chuck writes:
- Smart Media : only one that makes sense these
days. Cards
up to 32MB are available.
Interesting...but I'd still recommend Compact Flash:
Compact Flash cards are available with a lot more memory. A friend of
mine just bought an 80 MB on, and you can get them up to at least 128 MB.
Plus, cameras compatible with Compact Flash version 2 should be able to
use the IBM compact-flash-form-factor-and-compatible hard disk drive for
300+ MB. Additionally, Compact Flash has an adaptor that lets you plug it
into a PCMCIA slot. this means I can switch my Compact Flash between my
camera, my HP 200 LX, Libretto, and desktop (which has a PCMCAI slot).
Pricewatch shows a single 16 MB Smart Media (for $65) (and that's the
largest they list), but they show four sources for 16 MB Compact Flash
cards for $42 to $75. Pricewatch shows Compact Flash up to 48 MB. (I.e.,
yes...we've just shown that they don't have an exhaustive list ... but
that's irrelevant)
Actually what I've found is that even with my 8MB SmartMedia, it
stores enough images to make image management a real pita. I
can get a little over 50 images on a 8MB card with my Oly D500L
(1024x768). Keeping track of them all is a hassle.
The only time I wished I had a larger card (or more smaller cards),
is when I've gone on trips and I know that I'm going to be away from
my computer for a while. In any case the cards are so dang small
that you can carry quite a few of them, of course there is no
external indiction on which ones are full, so that becomes a
hassle. You can purchase the cards for ~15 for 8MB, ~$40 for
16MB cards, ~$110 for 32MB.
In either case, when I was deciding on which camera to purchase,
the storage media was purely secondary to picture quality and
features (and price of course). I love my Oly, got the dye sub
printer for it and the pictures I can produce are literally
indistinguishable from 35mm prints.