On May 4, 2010, at 3:14 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
I watch very little television. In a world full
of books and
manuals to
read, computers, cameras, clocks, etc to repair, electronic aad
mechancial things to make, firmware to write, and so on, I find
very little
time to watch the garbage put out by the television companies
I haven't had TV reception capability at home since about 1995. I
When I was living away form home (university, or job), I didn't haev a TV
set (or any other form of telvision reaceiver/display device). Nor did I
miss it.
download those very few shows (mostly geeky stuff like
Star Trek and
Stargate) that I want to watch. I'll be damned if I'm going to PAY
Needless to say I don't even do that. I really have got better things to
spend my time doing. And to be quite honest I find very little modern TV
to be entertaining. The most intereting things to do with TV and video
recording equipment involve removing the casing ;-)