cctech-request(a) schrieb am 22.01.2004:
Message: 29
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 08:04:58 +0100
From: Gooijen H <GOOI(a)>
Subject: RE: M7891 switch settings? (unibus)
To: "'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I have scanned 11/34 field maintenance print sets.
They are at
And if I am not mistaken the MOS memory is there too.
AFAIK is MS11 correct, just the suffix letter makes
all the difference (core, 11/44 MOS, etc.)
MS11-xx is alway semiconductor memory of different capacities and speed as
specified by the last two caracters (to the best of my knowledge...)
MM11-xx are the true core memories with the ferrite cores.
(Wanna see a MM11-YP, 32k x 18 core-stack? Then bump the cofee-machine)
several years after Mos memory became available people were still talking
about core if they just meant the mainstorage or R/W-Memory, regardless of
the technology it was built with.
gd luck,
- Henk, PA8PDP
Heh heh, on what frequency is it radiating?
Do you remember the little proggys that would make a pdp produce sound on
an AM-receiver not tuned to any station?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Parker []
> Sent: donderdag 22 januari 2004 1:18
> To: arcarlini(a); General Discussion: On-Topic and
> Off-Topic Posts
> Subject: Re: M7891 switch settings? (unibus)
> "Antonio Carlini" wrote:
> >> Does anyone have a manual for an M7891 (128kx18 MOS memory)?
> >
> >Is that an MS11 of some sort?
if it is 128kx18, then it is a MS11-LD, and has an integrated parity
controller. I should have the maintenancemanual somwhere if it of use to
anyone. I will sent a free copy to aomeone who likes to convert it to .pdf
file to be put on-line. (Will have to dig it from the garage, however)