On Fri, 14 Oct 2016, jim stephens wrote:
There are a number of 1970 postings, which clearly
were sent with 0 time
stamp values, and accepted by the mailing agent and archived with the 1970
time frame. They are not all the same in each snapshot.
Appreciate your capture of these.
Sometimes you can get hints of what OS and/or software was on the
originating machine - if you don't set the date, what does your machine
default to?
Besides the posts that had no time-stamp, or faulty/corrupted ones,. . .
Was John Titor on this list?
Slysoft is GONE, partially but not completely replaced, . . .
One version of ANYDVD that I use requires any date prior to a certain
one; that machine is set for October 14, 1988. 1988 (a leap year) is the
most recent year that has days-of-week and dates the same as 2016.
Non-leapyears have much easier calendar substitutions.