On 7/28/06, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Antonio Carlini wrote:
There's a few words about the Apple I...
Although according to the author the 6502 can address 65K, not 64K.
He's just quoting from the Apple I manual. Gotta blame The Apple
Computer Company for that one. I remember seeing 65K appear now and
again in various vendor's literature of the time, even, IIRC,
I'm just skimming through it at the moment.
There's a few oddities like the
above, plus a few typos - which always makes me less than certain about
factual accuracy too...
I wrote him about the part about Apple I memory refresh, wait-states,
etc. That part seems to be a liberal interpretation of the Apple I
docs as well. I can see how it's ambiguous if you don't _know_ what
the 6502 can and can't do.