On Sep 8, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Fred Cisin <cisin at xenosoft.com> wrote:
If you have to give out an email address, at
tradeshows or to any who
might abuse it (such as co0llege administrators), it behooves you to
create a spare address for only that purpose. You can then manually
forward anything that is actually desirable to your regular address.
I have a special subdomain setup that I can do that with and I can make up an email
address on the spot. I always give each place an address that lets me know who I gave it
to. But sometimes for places that I have absolutely no interest in signing up for I'll
use 10minutemail or mailinator. I'd rather let someone else's servers handle
rejecting spam if I know that's all the email address will get. :-)
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