This is clearly not the same serial interface that i
have in one of my
Facits. Mine has no switches (just soldered jumpers) and half the PCB
etch is text explaining how to set them (!).
Can you give the labels on the switches on your board?
And what are the
main chips on it (is it a 1602/6402 type of UART, or a
microprocessor-based circuit, or what?)
Here's a rough list of what's on the board:
Part no 1140 68 10-00
AY-5-1013 40 pin dip (cpu?)
MC14411P 24 pin dip (uart?)
1489 line driver
27 assorted 7400 series
Various discretes, including 17 large transistors/regulators
8 wire jumpers labelled 1-8
Wire jumper labelled ERR
Place for wire jumper labelled TL
Large chrome toggle switch labelled SER/PAR/SERIAL WITH ERROR CODE on
card edge (missed the labeling on this earlier)
DB25 on card edge
8-switch dip pack labelled bit1-bit8 error code
4-switch dip pack unlabelled
5-switch dip pack labelled with baud rates 75-600
8-switch dip pack labelled as follows:
2. 1STOP
3. NB 2
4. NB 1
6. BIT 8
7. / EVEN
8. \ ODD
Chip dates are mostly 1978.
The toggle switch, error code and baud rate stuff is all obvious. I can
figure out parity and 1stop by trial and error. For the rest I could
use some clues.