I?m looking to have to do something to get 3-phase for
the IBM 4331
gear. I haven?t quite added up the power requirements yet but I?m
guessing its going to be in the 10-15kVA range. Since the power to all
of the gear is really split between 3 loads (string of 4 3340 drives,
3803 control unit + 2 3420 tape drives and 2821 control uint + 1403
printer + 2540 card reader/punch) I need to figure out if it?s best to
have one big converter or 3 smaller ones. It?s unlikely that I?d be
running all of the peripherals at once. The 4331 itself runs off of
single phase 220v.
I keep thinking about moving my J90 series box from Norfolk storage up to
Northern Virginia -- I've been tempted to ping some of the lower tier data
centers to see if they have space that can't be filled due to changes in
technology. Maybe I could beg to get a low rent on some space to store the
system and have the three 220v connections to fire it up once in a while
and try to get the OS installed again. I have no idea if it could happen.
The facility I work in probably wouldn't do it but it's a bit more modern.
Some of the older ones can't use all of the space because the density of
hardware climbed so much that there isn't enough power/cooling to match.
Ethan O'Toole