I'll be curious to hear what you end up getting. I've also meant to acquire one
over the years just for historical education and display sake. One thing to keep in mind,
but I'm sure you're aware is the physical size. Often they're quite small.
However I think eBay sellers recent years have been better about letting you know that
I've also seen the large amount of Russian planes. Not too bad although like you said,
I'm not sure you'd find out what system they came out of but you could always ask
the seller prior to bidding.
I find those and silicon wafers in a similar light of something pretty to look at. As well
as an educational glimpse into explaining some history.
Good luck!
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On Apr 17, 2019, at 11:30 PM, Andrew Luke Nesbit via
cctalk <cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
I have been wanting to acquire a plane of magnetic core memory as a
piece of computing history. My partner actually thinks they look very
beautiful and says we should frame it, if we ever find a plane.