Hello, Robert:
Unless an optional board is installed, the wide
Centronics-like connector
SCSI. It's pretty easy to tell if it's in
there, it lives on a set of
standoffs right behind the connector, and the ribbon cable moves from the
mail board to it.
Mmm.. yes, below the connector appears a legend "SCSI-HP IB".
My doubts come from this.
BTW, a 380 can be upgraded to a 385 (33 MHz) with a
osc change (socketed!)
and a jumper moved. The '040 in mine has no trouble running at 33MHz, and
just picked up 16MB of RAM for it (Thanks, Jim!).
Is good to know it :-)
But, being practical, I approach to ask you about another two matters:
* What model of graphic screen can I use with the 380 ? I should like to
about one (or more) model with all its identificacion data to search it in
or some reseller.
* What model of serial terminal or screen can I use with the 380 to plug
the RS-232 port of this computer ? Same than previous.
(Of course I accept all reasonable offer from somebody in Europe. This
one GPIO board)
Thanks and Greetings
Best Regards