That was one of the things IBM bragged about in the
OS/2 2.0 ads. That
you could continue with your word processor while you formatted a floppy.
Windows could not even come close at the time.
Peace... Sridhar
I'd not realized they had any adds about this. I ran OS/2 from V1.3 to
V3.0, and one thing I always loved was how I could be formatting both 3.5"
and 5.25" floppies while I was editing a document and dialed into a BBS.
Taking Doc's complaint from a Macintosh angle, why is it that a 68k based
Mac can work with floppies nice and fast, while a PPC based Mac is dog
slow? When I moved from my PowerMac 8500/180 to my G4/450 I needed to
image all my floppy based software so I'd be able to install it on the G4
(I'm not one of those people that objects to Apple doing away with the
floppies, it makes sense). However, I ended up imaging them on my
Powerbook 540c and copying them via Appletalk to the 8500 to put them on
CD. For floppy based stuff basically any 68k Mac will run circles around
any PPC based Mac! I'm not talking slightly faster, I'm talking reading
several in the time it takes to read one on a PPC!
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh(a) (primary) | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
| | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum. |
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