- lo and behold, "Booting up XXDP-XM Extended
Monitor" followed by ... "V2.4, Rev. E1, booted from DL0, 124Kw
memory, Non-Unibus system, restart address 152000, type H for
Looks like I now have a working PDP-11 :)
The pack has 727 files on it whose names are meaningless (to me
anyway). XXDPXM.SYS etc. is obvious but there are hundreds of
files from A to Z with names like "VKMHA0.BIN", "ZAFAC0.BIC" and
some .LIB and .OBJ files too.
What on earth do I have here? Is it something that anyone would be
interested in copying?
Charles, congratulations on getting the PDP-11 booting! What you
have there is an XXDP diagnostics pack. All those "meaningless"
files are various diagnostics that can perform tests such as memory
checks, CPU tests, and tests of various peripherals. There are several
places online that describe what the various diagnostics are. One
site that I can think of is Henk's site at