On Thu, 20 May 2004 13:25:54 -0400
"John Allain" <allain(a)panix.com> wrote:
I've been having fun working up this
thanks to Chris and a local netBSD company.
The onCD documentation for installing the OS was a little spotty,
It's taken a bunch of workarounds to get it this point: O/S loaded
and booting which I can make public if anybody wants.
It threatens to be entirely enjoyable experience, if it works
reliably, which it isn't at current. I get random segmentation and
other faults during medium level of challenge commands like df,du, and
I'm thinking there's three possibilities right now: (1) mis-configured
swap space, (2) feeble SCSI driver + marginal SCSI drive specs,
(3) bad memory. There could be another cause; I don't know.
#1 seems most likely since all I've done is create the swap partition,
no config changes were made, but the /etc/fstab at least looks OK to
#2 has been hinted at by some documentation, but the disk load
went without hiccup.
#3 hasn't been seen within the MacOS (7.5.1) but I don't know any
serious tests for it.
If anyone is dealing with BSD right and wants to comment,
be my guest.
John A.
I have had a lot of fun running NetBSD/mac68k on my SE/30 Macintoshes.
What the other writer says about an LC40 processor is probably what you
should chase down. There are tons of problems running with the
aforementioned processor, if that's what you have, and you should try to
find a true '040 processor to plug in. I believe they say that some of
the bugs are worked out on later releases. You might try one of the
later releases of 1.6 (1.6.1 comes to mind) and see if that runs better.
It is super-cool-fun running the X Window System on a teeny-tiny classic
1-bit Macintosh display. Even the Tab Window Manager leaves you feeling
widget-crowded. ;) It's a great setup to run GNU Chess on.
But you want to cross-build any packages on a faster box.