<> Initially, pulled the RQDX1 from the last slot, and installed RQDX3 into
<> empty dual wide position (slot 3, right, seemed odd that it was empty.
<> And yes, the system ran prior to this) next to tape controller. Later
<> reversed process.
<I assume this is a BA23? "Slot 3, right" is empty for a good reason -
<it's a special "CD bus" slot, and isn't connected to the rest of
<Q-bus. Nothing works there unless it was specially designed to work there
depending on what in the slot order only the first 3 quad slots are CD
and the remaining are dual width Q/Q. So if the RQDX1 was was in quad slot
4 or lower you could have a bus grant problem if rqdx3 was plussged into the
wrong one of the two now vacant dual with slots!
You would definatly get an error if that was the case.
Micro11 ba23 from the rear. The numbers are the bus grant order.
----+---- 1 CPU (q/cd)
----+---- 2 memory (q/cd)
----+---- 3 memory (q/cd) Devices get Q off left slot
----+---- 4/5 device (q/q)
----+---- 7/6 device (q/q)
----+---- 8/9 device (q/q)
----+---- 11/10 device (q/q)
----+---- 12/13 device (q/q)
I forgot the message but error 14 or 15 is a drive or controller error.
kdj11b error 11 not bootable, 12 no disk, 14 no controller, 15 nonexistant
drive, 16 invalid unit selected.
kdf11b error 12 no controller, 13 drive not ready, 14 drive error,
15 controller error, 16 not bootable