----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard" <legalize at xmission.com>
To: "cctalk" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:15:42 AM
Subject: Fox TV shows (was: interesting Quora post on Marklar)
In article <alpine.LFD.2.00.1206120828580.27438 at grumble.deltasoft.com>,
Gene Buckle <geneb at deltasoft.com> writes:
> > Never heard of Fringe?
> >
> I'll see your Fringe and raise you a Firefly. :)
Firefly + Fringe = Fringe,
i.e. Firely is noise compared to Fringe's signal
Firefly is *WAY* overrated for what it was.
Heresy! You obviously are a purple belly.