On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Seth Morabito <lists at loomcom.com> wrote:
I've suddenly found myself desperately in need of
the following manual. It used to be available at Wilber Williams' Computer Museum web
site, but of course that site has shut down and I don't know of any mirrors :(
It was located here:
I see that a lot of stuff at the former University of Queenland's
Computer Museum of I.T. repository was rather interesting. I second
this request but then for all of the contents of said repo ;) I see
some 'RSX11M+' over at the
vintage-computer.com site has at least
somewhat of a mirror. Could be a point of entry there?
~ UNIX is basically a simple operating system,
? ? ? ? ? ?but you have to be a genius to understand its simplicity. ~ dmr