On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:52:08 -0600 (CST), JP Hindin
<jplist at kiwigeek.com> wrote:
Greetings all;
I am trying to help out a friend with a data transfer process to
his business. The goal is to move a couple hundred Megs of data
from a PC
to a PDP11.
Just yesterday, a friend running a 11/45 in his business asked me the
same question. He wishes to move info in both directions.
His problem is that he is running RSTS 6C and he knows of no drivers
for ethernet for that version of OS. Migration to a later version is
out of the question since the OS has been highly modified. He
considered serial and non-DMA parallel ports, but the maximum
transfer rate under non-DMA transfers is about 50kB/sec. Since the
TU10 interface is fairly simple and DMA we have started looking there
for a fast-and-easy route.
Any other suggestions?