On 26 Feb 2010 at 20:11, Tony Duell wrote:
This reminds me of 2 other things I was taught, when
removing a pulley
or similar from a shaft. If using a puller tool, don't stand in line
with it. If it releases suddenly, it will fly off and hit you. For
large pullers and parts, broekn ribs, etc are a distinct possibility.
Knowing what could go where is an important safey precaution in just
about any field, be it logging or moving heavy racks of equipment or
brewing a pot of tea.
I learned about stored energy in granny-knotted steel winch cable
when I cut through a knot and got whacked in the face by the loose
end of a 1.25" cable. Left me bruised and sore, but thankfully,
nothing more.
Sometimes I'm just lucky.