On Tue, 2007-01-23 at 11:23 -0600, Jim Isbell, W5JAI wrote:
"Prior Art" has no standing anymore. Its
now, who gets there first
with the patent. Been that way for about 5 years now (maybe longer)
when they changed the law.
That's about the proper summary statement. I think I'll file the
serial numbers off that, and use it myself! (You didn't patent that,
did you?)
Ahem. Do keep in mind, however, what a patent is, and what it does.
It is basically a contract with the government. You GIVE the idea into
the public domain -- you have to supply all relevant diagrams, source
code, or whatever, to be able to re-create the process being patented --
and in return, the government will prevent anyone else making money from
your idea.... (wait for it) ... for 17 years.
Unless this is a scam from the get-go, what is the point in trying
to patent an "eternal" protocol, if protection only lasts 17 years? As
I see it, about the time anyone wants to read these "eternal" systems,
the technology to produce readers will be in the public domain. Around
the time it would be successful, it becomes free. Can that be all there
is? I have a lot more respect for the marketing arm of Microsoft than
to think they just blew it. Could it be they are so focused on the next
quarter's profits? THAT is the mystery: How will M$ make a profit from
this after 17 years. Are they going to run a zombie version of MSN?
(Some would say it *IS* a zombie network now...)
Warren E. Wolfe
wizard at