> > > I have 3 or 4 of the "all in
one" units (screen, keyboard, dual
> > > floppies all in one box), and I have
one "tower" unit (dual
drives in a
> > > tower box, screen and keyboard are
seperate parts). I also have
3 or 4
> > > printers.
> > >
> > > Beyond the above descriptions, I know almost nothing about these
> > > and almost as little about how to
operate them... so they aren't
> > > something I really care to "collect".
> >
> > Well, they are interesting in that they are arguably predecessors
to the
> > IBM PC, and are in the same product line. I
would like to have
one but
> > the shipping costs would be too much.
Unfortunately, I missed one
> > by a few months as the person who had it
pitched the machine, but
at least
> > kept the manuals for me.
> How heavy/large are they? Considering the 8" floppy drives, they're
> pretty large I'm sure, but does someone have a guestimate? 50lbs?
(specifically the all-in-one units)
I just looked through my system and maintenance manuals, and promo
materials, for
the System 23 and there isn't one mention of the
weight. This may be because the weight would vary a
great deal based
on whether it was a one or two disk drive system. From
personal experience in lifting my S/23, I would say a
two drive unit
weighs in the 70-80 lbs. range. They are not light, and they
are awkward to carry.
For those that are interested, the "all in one" unit is model 5322,
the tower unit is model 5324. You don't see the tower units
too often. About a year ago I salvaged a CRT from a
tower unit
display to replace a bad CRT in my all-in-one.
Sorry about the lack of wrap on that last message, for some unknown
reason my wrap was set at 132 instead of the usual 72.