/rant on
Will, I am *VERY* critical of Ebay and generally view them as operationally
inept or challenged, and I would much rather see VCM succeed as an alternative.
I don't like dealing with organizations I view as unethical.
/rant off
I didn't have time to put up a picture of the chip, so I just uploaded one to:
In looking at it again, this doesn't look like an Intel logo, so I am curious
who did make this chip. I thought it might be intersil, but so far, I haven't
seen any Intersil logos that look like this one.
I am starting
to list some chips and "stuff" on Ebay (hanging my head), but the
mortgage company would really like me to continue paying them, and Ebay
unfortunately is the best venue for some of this stuff :(.
There is no shame in this.