The abortive attempt to cluster the two Vaxes and copy data has left me
much further back than when I started.
The network and terminal server connections are gone because I can't
start TCPWARE up.
It complains about a license and and something called NETCU (What the
hell is that?) and aborts the loading of TCPWARE.
Lesson learned,= the boot from a cluster server idea is flawed and can
damage an existing setup.
Its probably one of those things everybody has heard about but never
actually done.
Back up did somebody say Back up.?
The whole reason I attempted doing it this way is because despite the
fact that both systems have TK 70 tape drives when attempting to do a
backup on the -200 it keeps telling me the tape is write protected which
it isn't.
I'll try to sort that one out to-morrow.