--- cctech-bounces at
<ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> This afternoon I'm cleaning up a Sony GDM-1602
monitor. I have the case
> disassembled, and have washed all but the largest
pieces. The base is a
> very nice rotating and tilting design. The
rotation taken place because
> the plastic tilting assembly rides on a flat
metal base. The
> contact area is a circular plastic ridge that was
lubed with an
> clear-ish amber grease.
> What kind of grease should I use to re-lube this?
I want to provide
> adequate lubrication between the plastic and
steel, but I don't want
> something that will hurt the plastic. I was
thinking about using
many years ago I got a tube of something that
claimed to be 'Electrolube
Special Plastic Greast' (Electrolube being a
well-known brand of cleaning
solvents, etc over here). It seems to be safe on all
plastics I've tried
it on so far, and it should have suitable
lubriacting properties for this
sort of thing (it's not exactly a high-speed
Where you get it from is another matter, but surely
plastic-safe greases
still exist.
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