Ooo ooo yes. Count me in for $50 towards a pcb if u go down that
route. Happy to pay via paypal or similar or simply put a note in
the post. I am in Australia
Doug Jackson
Principal Security Consultant
EWA Australia
Ph 02 6230 6833
Mo 0414 986 878
Sent from my iPhone
On 28/12/2008, at 10:35, "Alexandre Souza" <alexandre-listas at
I always think
of it as the "forgotten ZX80" because it's built to
the same
sort of quality level (and, IIRC, was built by ex-Sinclair
It was reasonably unique* in running FORTH from ROM rather than
BASIC (which
probably makes it a rarer animal than a ZX80, too)
* I'm not going to play the "only one ever" game, but I can't
actually think
of another home system which ran FORTH as the primary language...
Maybe I may be bribed to create a single board for it :) What is
the size of the original mainboard? :o)